Lakeside Family Dental Care

Lakeside Family Dental Care offers a variety of family dental services to help you achieve oral health, confidence, and a normal lifestyle.


Annually, x-rays are taken and the dentist will come in and examine your mouth to inspect for any signs of oral cancer or systemic disease, cavities, and gum disease. In conjunction, the hygienist will also use a periodontal probe to measure pocket depths around each tooth. This is done to aid in the detection of gum disease and to establish the overall health of the oral tissues.


A routine cleaning is performed by the hygienist and includes the removal of plaque, tarter and surface stains from the teeth. The hygienist will scale, polish and floss the teeth with the intent to control and prevent gingivitis.

Scaling & Root Planning

Scaling and Root Planning (SRP) or “deep cleaning” is a nonsurgical procedure performed by the hygienist to treat active periodontal disease which is a condition that has resulted in bone loss, gum “pockets” measuring 5mm or greater, bleeding gums, and/or exposed root surfaces. The hygienist will administer local anesthetic and scale below the gum line to where the root, gum, and bone meet. Removing plaque, tarter, and bacteria as well as smoothing the root surfaces to provide a clean surface for the gums to reattach to the teeth.

Periodontal Maintenance

This maintenance scaling is a cleaning performed by the hygienist every three to four months following the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal (gum) disease. The hygienist will remove plaque and tarter from above and below the gum line, all the way down the length of each tooth where the root, gum, and bone meet. The frequency of this cleaning is decided by the dentist depending on the stability of the current condition.


Sealants protect the chewing surfaces, deeper grooves, and pits on teeth from food particles and plaque. Sealants protect tooth structure from decay by "sealing" areas that cannot be easily brushed or flossed. Sealants only take a few minutes to apply to the teeth. Sealants hold up well under the force of normal chewing and can last several years before a reapplication is needed.

Fluoride Treatments

Your hygienist may apply fluoride to your teeth after they have been cleaned and polished. Fluoride will help protect your teeth by making your teeth stronger, and help fight tooth decay.

This may include whitening your teeth; changing the shape of your teeth with enamel shaping, veneers, or crowns; wearing dentures to replace missing teeth; or covering imperfections. If you want a healthier-looking smile, cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve results beyond what brushing alone can do.

Enamel Shaping

Enamel shaping is when a dentist removes or contours a tooth's enamel to improve its appearance. This is often used to prepare teeth for bonding. The procedure is usually quick and painless, with instant results.

Bleaching or Teeth Whitening

Many of us feel that our smiles are more attractive when our teeth look white. Unfortunately, sodas, coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco can leave ugly stains. To help you regain a bright white smile and to give you an added boost of self-confidence, we can fabricate custom at home bleaching trays. This allows you to use them to whiten your teeth and then later you can use the same trays to do touch ups to boost and maintain your white smile. Please contact us today to find out more about whitening.


Veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored material that are placed over the teeth. They are used to fill in gaps or cover imperfections such as stains, misshapen teeth, or crooked teeth. In order to make room for veneers, a thin layer of the tooth's enamel usually needs to be removed. Because of this, the procedure is usually irreversible. You might have to avoid certain foods and beverages after veneers are placed to keep from staining them. You must also be careful with veneers (in other words, don't eat jawbreakers or try to open a bottle with your teeth), because abusing your teeth can make them chip.


A crown is a covering placed over a tooth. A crown is usually used to restore a tooth to its original size and shape, but crowns have other uses as well. They can be used to make teeth stronger as well as protect and support teeth with large fillings. Crowns also protect weaker teeth from breaking due to cracks, restore teeth that have been broken or decayed, and cover dental implants. A crown can also be used to cover discoloration or be an anchor for a bridge.

Periodontal Maintenance

Healthy Teeth and Gums

Helping you maintain a healthy smile.

This maintenance scaling is a cleaning performed by the hygienist every three to four months following the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal (gum) disease. The hygienist will remove plaque and tarter from above and below the gum line, all the way down the length of each tooth where the root, gum, and bone meet. The frequency of this cleaning is decided by the dentist depending on the stability of the current condition.


If you have a cavity, you will usually need to get a filling. The dentist will give a local anesthetic to numb the area. The anesthetic will keep you from feeling any discomfort. During the procedure, the dentist will remove the decay from your tooth where the cavity is. You can choose which material the dentist uses to fill the void: amalgam, composite, or occasionally ceramic. Amalgam is made from a combination of metals and is usually silver in color. Amalgam is the strongest filling material used; because of this, it is often used on the back teeth where chewing pressure is greatest. The only downside is the silver color, which does not blend with the rest of the teeth. Composite is a tooth-colored material made from glass or quartz mixed with resin. Typically, composite does not last as long as amalgam, but it is more natural looking.


Bonding is a tooth-colored filling material that is bonded to the surface of the tooth. This can be used to cover stains or fill in spaces between teeth. It can also be used to repair chips, cracks, broken teeth, and decay.


If you're missing all of your teeth, or most of your teeth are in poor condition and need to be removed, you may need dentures. Dentures are false teeth worn over the gums to replace missing teeth. We can basically make three different kinds of dentures; temporary surgical dentures, permanent dentures and implant overdentures, depending upon your need.

Temporary surgical dentures are fabricated before your teeth are removed so that you have teeth immediately after the extractions. You need to wear them for at least six months while your gums and bone heal from the extractions. There are several important benefits of a temporary surgical denture. First, you can smile and chew your food immediately after. Second, we use measurements of your preexisting teeth to select the proper shape and size of your new teeth. Third, we can duplicate where your teeth hit each other when you close your mouth. Lastly, they can also be used in the future if you have a problem with your permanent denture.

Permanent dentures are fabricated after you have healed for at least six months from the last extraction. We make them using better materials then the temporary because the permanent denture is typically in service for ten years. Dentures after three to five years typically need to be relined, because the bones and tissues change shape over time. This causes the dentures to not fit as well. If the denture doesn't fit properly, it will cause the bone to shrink away faster.

Implant overdenture is when we use implants under the denture to lock the dentures onto the implants. This gives a more secure feeling when laughing, talking and of course while chewing. There are different levels of implants. You can have something as simple as two implants on the bottom with ball and socket joints, or you can have multiple implants with a bar connecting them all together and the denture locks into place on the bar. This scenario gives the patient the closest thing to natural teeth because most of the support is from the bar, not the tissues.

Partials or Removable Partial Dentures

Partials are used to replace multiple missing teeth typically when you are missing teeth on both sides of the mouth in an arch. Partials are false teeth worn over the gums to replace missing teeth. They have clasps that attach to the remaining teeth to give them support. The advantages of partials are that they replace multiple teeth with a single appliance at the same time. They are easy to clean because they are removable. We can also add other teeth to them in the future if needed.

Temporary surgical partial is used if you are missing teeth or some need to be extracted, we can fabricate the temporary surgical partial before we remove the bad teeth so that the patient leaves with teeth. We recommend wearing the temporary for a minimum of six months while the bone and gums heal from the extractions. They can also be used in the future if you have a problem with your permanent partial.

Permanant partials are fabricated after you have healed for at least six months from the last extraction. We make them using better materials than the temporary because the permanent partial is typically in service for ten years. Partials usually need to be relined after three to five years. This is because the bone and tissues change shape over time, causing the partials to not fit as well as they used to. If the partial doesn't fit properly, it will cause the bone to shrink away faster and it can cause trauma to the supporting teeth.


Dentures after three to five years typically need to be relined because the bones and tissues change shape over time. This causes the dentures not to fit as well as they did when you initially received them. They also need to be relined if you have lost a lot of weight. If the denture doesn't fit properly, that will cause the bone to shrink away faster. You should have us check your dentures and mouth for a cancer screening every year.

Root Canal

A root canal is used to treat problems with the tooth's pulp (the soft inner core of the tooth). The pulp can sometimes get damaged if a tooth is broken, chipped, suffers trauma, or if it gets a deep cavity. If this happens, the pulp may get infected. A root canal is used to prevent an infection, or stop one before it gets worse. During the procedure, the diseased part of the pulp is removed, creating a "root canal". Then, the pulp chamber and root canal are cleaned, filled, and sealed. The dentist will usually place a buildup and a crown over the tooth after the procedure to protect the tooth.


Sometimes, a tooth has to be removed. When this is needed, the dentist will perform an extraction. During an extraction, the dentist will numb the area surrounding the tooth to be removed with a local anesthetic. The dentist will then remove the tooth. After the procedure, your dentist will advise you as to what you should do to help the area heal. Don't smoke, rinse your mouth vigorously, or drink through a straw for 24 hours after having an extraction. After that, only rinse your mouth gently and avoid cleaning the teeth next to the empty socket for a few days. Some bleeding is normal after an extraction, and it will usually go away in a few days. You will be provided with written instructions and extra gauze. If bleeding persists or is excessive, notify your dentist.


Sometimes a bit more work is needed to give you the smile you want. If you are missing teeth, having trouble speaking or chewing, or are noticing strain when biting, bridges may be the ideal procedure to help make your mouth healthy and beautiful again. Bridges sometimes referred to as fixed partial dentures, literally bridge gaps between teeth by filling them with strong, natural-looking artificial teeth. Bridges are semi-permanent – they can only be removed by a dentist – and are comfortable and proven to strengthen teeth.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are dramatically changing the ways in which missing teeth can be replaced, and consequently, are having a tremendous impact on the lives of our patients. They are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth (think of them as artificial roots) which look, feel, and function like natural teeth. The person who has lost a tooth or multiple teeth regain the ability to eat virtually anything-- knowing that teeth appear natural and that soft tissue contours will be preserved. Dental implants also help to preserve the supporting bone structure. An attachment called an abutment (like a buildup for a crown) is then attached to the implant, which protrudes through the gums. These abutments provide stable anchors for the implant crown. Implants also help preserve facial structure--preventing bone loss that occurs when teeth are missing.

After we place the appropriate abutment, we then fabricate an implant crown that is cemented onto the abutment. For patients with loose dentures, we can also use implants to support a denture. We can make fancy ball and socket joints so that the denture would snap in. Sometimes we can fabricate a bar that connects multiple implants together so the denture is supported by the bar and not the soft tissues, thus giving the patient more chewing power and confidence because it will snap into place.